Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Correction to my post regarding Mintek Dvd
This is a correction to my previous post regarding Mintek DVD voltage regulator which i wrote 7809 and 7805. But actually when i saw the board CW7812 .Thanks to Mr. Roberto of Italy for the question. Which prompt me again to look again to the component. Here is my own picture.The 2nd picture where my finger pinpoint the 1n4007 is located. The third picture is where the CW7812 which is the voltage regulator is located.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
ECG� Brand Wireless Inspection Cameras From NTE Electronics, Inc.
ECG� Brand Wireless Inspection Cameras From NTE Electronics, Inc.
Just click on the link.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Two ways to test your Remote Control If It's Working or Not
These past few days from wednesday I've got sick, till now I'm feel a little bit dizzy.Thanks to sir Jestine for featuring my blog in his site.Thanks also to sir John and sir Nd for following my blog, it's an honor for me. By the way let's go to the topic of testing the remote control of tv, dvd and so on. If you are doubtful if the remote control is working or not. There are two easy ways to find out if you're remote control is ok. This information is not from me but i test it and it is reliable and tested based on my experienced. Here are the two ways to test your remote:
1. Testing Remote Control Using Ordinary AM Radio Receiver (by Rhonn)
Use an ordinary AM radio receiver by simply pushing any button from remote near the radio and moving the dial of the radio near 500khz. If the remote is working you can hear the tone burst from the remote oscillator coming from the radio.
2. Testing TV/ Stereo/VCR/DVD Infrared Remote Control by (Calvin Smith)
Using a camcorder, look in the viewfinder while the camera is looking at the output of the remote. The camera is very sensitive to infrared and works as a great converter so you can see the pulses of data sent by the remote. By the way by now we can use the camera of our cellphone or your mobile. Because we cannot see thru our naked eye the lit of photodiode. But thru camera we can see the light of photodiode.
I have proven it already and it's okay. Try it for yourself. Thanks to Rhonn (who did not write his surname) and to Calvin Smith for sharing this informations. I found it in the internet i think 2 years ago.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Apex Tv No Power
This apex tv has no power. So i open the back cover and i saw the fuse is open and it has dark color inside the fuse that means there is a short component in power supply. This tv has dvd combo. First i checked the diode and i found it okay and all the active components in power supply area. To my surprise i didn't notice first that the main filter capacitor which is 220uf 250volts was blown. There is a leaked with an orange color that looks like a glued around on one side of that capacitor. And when i cheked it, it was shorted.Since i cannot buy the same value of capacitor, so i decided to replaced it with 270uf 400volts and the tv works perfectly.But if possible always replaced with the same specification of capacitor.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Mintek DVD Power Supply Problem
Before i encounter this problem i am a new learner in this field of repairing electronics. The problem is when you turn on or press the button switch of this dvd the LED(light emitting diode) will lit and in a few second the led turn off. So usually the technician would go to the power supply section. Most of power supply of dvd has another pcb(printed circuit board) it is excluded from the main pcb. If you follow the ac plug going into the dvd that's the power supply section.. So i test all the components in the power supply section and it's all okay. So i decided to change the ic(intergrated circuit) UC3842 and nothing happened. When i saw the site of jestine yong which is expert in electronics the I ask him what could be the possible problem. He said that to lit the led the output of the switch mode power supply should right. He said i should test the voltage regulator which is cw7812 (note: and not 7809 and 7805). So i test the output of regulator and the output is not correct . I desoldered out the regulator and supply it with my power supply which has a setting of 3 volts and up. So i set the power supply to 14 volt the positive aligator put in the input of a regulator which is the first pin and negative to ground which is middle pin of regulator and the third pin is the output. Look always for the datasheet in the internet. When i measured the output it has a correct voltage which is 11.95 volts. The measure you will get depend on the accuracy of tester. So i ask jestine again. Look for the near component that goes in the pin of that regulator, and i saw a common diode 1n4007. I measured and it is ok.This is the only pin going thru the pin of regulator and a electrolytic capacitor. So he advised me to move a little each components if its body touch the other components and i did these suggestions. When it came to moving the body of the diode the led lit and in a few second it turn off again. I measured it again with my tester which in a diode range and it is okay.(Note: be sure the dvd is unplug in outlet before measuring the diode) So i decided to replaced the said diode and the power comes back. A few days past i measured again that diode which i replaced and you know what, it is open.And the dvd now still working and i enjoyed every movie i play in that dvd.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
High Voltage Leaking In High Voltage Wire of A Flyback of Tv
If you have encountered a high voltage leaking in the high voltage wire going to picture tube of a tv. You can use a glue gun and gluestick. Melt it on the parts or side that the high voltage is leaking. Put a gluestick around them and make a thick surfaced around the area.Dry the gluestick you put, it's better to dry for one or two days before you test your tv and it will stop the leaking of high voltage in the area.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Testing AC Plug
If you are a new technician probably you must note this about how to test a plug of a tv,radio, computer and so on. We usually test a plug by its resistance or continuity if it is open or not and if we see some reading in our tester, digital multimeter or analog tester we presume it is okay. We must sure that the reading in our tester when we measure the resistance or continuity of a plug must be in 000 if it is digital tester and if it is analog be sure the pointer of your analog meter deflect up to zero because i have encounter one plug, the otherside is deflect up to zero but the otherside of the plug have a reading of hundreds and i presume it is okay because i am new technician on that time and this tv has no power. So when i plug the tv and test the power supply it has no power. I start to test the input supply of ac(alternating current) from the outlet on the plug and i measured zero volt. I found out that only few of wire strands are connected that's why there is no power coming on the plug of a tv. So be sure when you test a plug of a consumer appliances and it has no power coming in comply to the above mentioned and if it's okay test the fuse and other components on the power supply.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Testing Resistor
Resistors vary from type. But today i would like to focus on fixed resistors like carbon resistor, carbon film resistor, metal-film resistor. As a technician we usually test resistors by its resistance if it is open, decreased its value or increased its value because it has tolerance. In E-24 Series Chart Color Code there are four colors that are usually put as tolerance which is brown (+/- 1% which means that a resistor can increased and decreased only up to the said percentage beyond that you must replaced your resistor in that circuits.) Red tolerance equals to (+/- 2%). Gold tolerance equals to(+/- 5%). Silver tolerance equals to (+/- 10%). But normally majority of the tolerance you will see in a resistors in the circuit were Gold and Silver. You can measure the value of resistor by analog multimeter or digital multimeter which is easy to used and easy to read the value of resistor. We usually checked resistors one way test and we assured if we got the value it is okay. But one time there is a tv that brought to me by a customer. It has a raster but when you put an antenna and plug it in the back it cannot received the channel. Because the raster in that tv when i saw it in my perception this is not the normal raster that i usually saw in a good tv. I looked on the mainboard of the tv and someone has work on it already because of fresh solder and the previous technician said to the owner they must change the picture tube that's what the owner said to me. So i looked on the CRT circuit of that tv and i saw a two watts resistor which is unusual in visual because it has a little crack on the body. When i test it with my analog meter on usual way it is ok but i reversed my probe the pointer of the meter move backward instead of forward so i was amazed because this is my first time to encounter such trouble to resistor so i changed it and the tv works perfectly. So even if you changed the picture tube it will not work because there is a component that breakdown. The tv is a promac. If you will encounter such problem look on that section of the CRT circuit of that tv.
carbon resistor
carbon film resistor
metal film resistor.
Labels: elctronic tips
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Letters To GOD (movie)
This movie is an astonishing tale (inspired by a true story) of an incredible boy who is dying of cancer. Each day, he writes a heart-felt letter to God and puts it in the mail. His child-like faith has an amazing effect on those around him, especially the despondent postman who reads these letters. It's an inspiring story of HOPE.(From Randy Beck)
Labels: spiritual
Locating Spare Parts
If you were looking for electronic parts for your repair these are some of the website you can look into:;;;;;;;;;;; this sites help you.
Labels: electronic website
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Capacitor tester Pictures
These are some of Esr meter and 1 picture of capacitance meter. Just search in the internet if you are interested on each meter.
Labels: capacitor tester
Friday, February 5, 2010
How To Test Capacitor
There is a high percentage that the capacitor are the culprit in most electronics equipment that malfunction aside from IC, diode,fet and transistor,scr and resistor. That's why it is important to know how to test the capacitor accurately, because majority of electronic components in one equipment mostly composed of capacitors. There is 3 ways to test capacitor. First by using analog meter by which is not good option because you can found only a bad capacitor like a electrolytic when it is to old in the circuit and it already shorted, open and sometimes leaky but it has a low percentage when you use this method to find a bad capacitor and this method is time consuming. Second by using capacitance meter which is more comfortable when you compare to by using analog tester. The capacitance meter test the value of capacitor which is in microfarad(uf) if it is electrolytic capacitor and picofarad (pf), nanofarad(nf) if it is a non polar capacitor like mylar, metallised capacitor and other non polar capacitor. This tester gives you what the value if it is with in a range of what is written in the body of capacitor.If it is ok or not.By using the capacitance meter you can check the capacitor even it is in the circuit but mostly the best to check is out of circuit. Third is by using the more advanced tester which is ESR METER which measure the series resistor inside the capacitor if it is increasing or out of range. By using some branded esr meter like Blue Esr METER and other brand. Fourth is by using your eyes or visual inspections if the capacitor is bulged or it has some leaked in its pins it is recommended to replaced if you found such characteristic in a capacitor.While on a non polar you can test it thru its capacitance value and esr if its .1 uf and up if convert it to microfarad otherwise than that you cannot measure its esr if is below .1 microfarad. You may observe also its body near its legs if it is start to decayed or pulverised some parts of it from the pins or legs of it.Be sure to replaced that kind of visual cased of a nonpolar capacitor.
Labels: elctronic tips
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Capacitor store electric charge.It is used in timing circuits, to smooth varying DC supplies, it is used in filtering because it easily pass AC SIGNAL but block DC SIGNAL.
What are the kinds of Capacitor?
unpolarised capacitor symbol polarised capacitor symbol
There are many kinds of capacitor. They are categorized in polarized capacitor which belongs electrolytic and tantalum capacitor which has a positive and negative side. While the other kinds of capacitor is unpolarized which belongs ceramic capacitor, mylar capacitor,plastic film and so on. This days most capacitor are on chips size. It is used widely in most electronic consumer now, from lcd tv up to the latest electronics gadgets. But still in the power supply area you will see a typical capacitor like electrolytic and other unpolarized capacitor like mylar big sizes.

Metallised Polyester Film Capacitor

electric double layer capacitor
Metallised Polyester Film Capacitor

5mm ceramic trimmer capacitor
6mm ceramic trimmer capacitor
Labels: electronic component
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Basic Care for the Battery of Cellphone
1. Do not charge your battery when your cellphone is on or mobile phone is open it is better to off your phone. So that it may not damage the circuit of your mobile and may not short the life of it's used. 2. The first or new battery of your mobile should be fully discharge adequate electricity and then use. 3. In charging the battery, be sure that your mobile phone only are on the ac outlet and no other equipment such as tv were shared on the same outlet.Because on the otherhand your mobile affects the picture of tv. 4. Do not expose your battery in too hot or too cold areas. It may affect the life of the battery. 5. Monitor the charge time of your battery. So the battery will not overheat and even your cellphone.
Labels: cellphone care
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Read and Research
Reading and researching in internet can enhance your knowledge mostly in a interest you would like to enter. like blogging, electronic repair, internet marketing and other good and interesting and challenging ventures. You must invest time to research,improve and practice, patience to reach and applied and mastered what you learned, money to buy the stuff you need to attain your goal. You can buy books related to your interest. Go to,,,
Labels: electronic tips/bookstores