How to Read Varistor body number
A varistor is an electronic component with an electrical resistance that varies with the applied voltage.[2] Also known as a voltage-dependent resistor (VDR), it has a nonlinear, non-ohmic current–voltage characteristic that is similar to that of a diode. In contrast to a diode however, it has the same characteristic for both directions of traversing current. At low voltage it has a high electrical resistance which decreases as the voltage is raised.
Varistors are used as control or compensation elements in circuits either to provide optimal operating conditions or to protect against excessive transient voltages. When used as protection devices, they shunt the current created by the excessive voltage away from sensitive components when triggered.(SOURCE WIKIPEDIA)
Varistors are used as control or compensation elements in circuits either to provide optimal operating conditions or to protect against excessive transient voltages. When used as protection devices, they shunt the current created by the excessive voltage away from sensitive components when triggered.(SOURCE WIKIPEDIA)
Here is the informations how you can understand the number written in the body of varistor Product - Free Shipping 30pcs, 14D471K 14 D 471 471KD14 470V 4500A.

And here is the link of the datasheet of varistor
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